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About Us

Discover Our Story

We are a team of three canoeing enthusiasts from a small town called Banyoles (Spain). After more than 15 years of training and competing, we decided to create The Canoeing House with the purpose of empowering other canoeists around the world. Inspired by the videos of erbse2006, we decided to open an Instagram account to share the content we would like to see, contributing to enrich the passion for this sport.

We later began to dream big and started designing our own products. This idea emerged from our own needs as canoeists, and for this reason we decided to create the products we believed could be improved based on our canoeing experience. The first product we launched was the FixWatch, a 3D printed watch holder. Following the success of the FixWatch, we ventured to produce more items, striving in each to add a special touch. We decided to proudly produce all our products in local spanish workshops. In fact, we firmly believe in our own production as a means of differentiation.

Our goal is more ambicious than being an Instagram account or an accessories brand; we aspire to build a community of canoeists committed to achieving their best version. Indeed, our slogan, “be your best,” reflects the desire to motivate canoeists to reach their maximum potential.